Wednesday, July 9, 2008

"Its been 4 years, just close your eyes"

Yes its been 4 years in the making of Momz Hot Rocks, a new music documentary on momrockers featuring the women of Mamapalooza.  It's been awesome to do thanks to the awesome women its about who inspire me to show how they inspire others to do what you have to do with passion and love. 
Thanks to Rock Star Mommy author Judy Davids of the Mydols for doing the hook up with this blog today and the updated website(and all the cool graphics). Can't wait to see where this conversation that we can add sound and image may go.  Let the blogging begin...
And loads of thanks to Joy Rose, founder of Mamapalooza, Inc. and the band Housewives on Prozac for being the first person I connected with four years ago, followed everywhere with a camera, kept me chin up and now is responsible for the connection to the Jacob Burns Center Screening in October. What could be a more do it yourself subject than mom rock?
looking forward to the rest.  kp

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